Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week 3 (March 24, 2014)
Wow, sounds like you have had yet another busy week. Well to start off with some good news we had an amazing batismo this week. This lady was so ready for the gospel and is so smart. The batismo was so amazing, the spirit was so strong, and it felt so good that I was able to help bring this women into the gospel. The best part is that her whole family came and we are going to try to teach a bunch of them. The work moves one. and with some luck we should have another three this weekend, or at least two. This week has been full of adventures, on Thursday we took a bus out to this area to do splits with some other missionaries. The bus was super full like it always is, and we were all jammed packed and had no room to do anything. Then there was a big bang and the bus broke down, so we all got off, and had to wait for another bus to pick us up. The bus we got on was already full and so it became over full..... like everyone was on so we pushed are way through to get to the back because we had some time before our stop. Then our stop came up and we couldn't move, because there was no room, we tried pushing and pushing.... no luck and the bus passed our stop and kept going. I mean we were in the middle of nowhere.... we were probably out of our zone... and we had no way of getting back so we said a prayer, and then started to talk to people and see if they could get off so we could get off..... they were all super nice and got off... when we could get off, we were already like 30ish or more min out of our area.... luckily we were guided by the spirit and found the right bus and made it back without any harm done, but was I scared. It is super hard because no one speaks english, we taught some great lessons and we got a firm for a batismo. This week we ran out of money, so no more buses, we had to walk everywhere.... and we live out of our area, so we have to leave early to make it to our appointments..... We walk all day, my legs are getting jacked haha. On Friday we went and did an interview for one of the sisters batismo, and that was really cool, we had 8 batismo this week for are zone, highest in the mission. The work here is really growing. on Saturday we got the chance to go in to the furvellas..... or in other words.. the slums and I mean cardboard walls and tin roofs.... I was sooo scared, we walked in and the spirit was taken away. This area was unsafe, also the people think we are cops, so have to be really careful to say the right things, and no english.... we left very fast. and I hope I don't have to return. Elder Hill said... always be ready to run... because the people here won't think twice about fighting you, and they will all come together... so that was nice to know. Last story, so we were on the bus and these two girls came up and started talking with us, and we were telling them about the gospel, and it was super tight, but they keep laughing through the whole thing, so we were like... ok, then elder Hill asked them what they were laughing about... and they were like, we are members.... we got played but it was super funny and they were so nice. I was reading in Jacob 6:12 and it reads, [oh ye, be wise, what more can I say] or something like that.... but what a powerful scripture.... definately one of the best, be wise and work hard. Anyways I love you family and hope all is going well. Life here has been busy and full of work, and maybe someday I will learn Portuguese.

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